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Reiki Courses
Course Information

Jikiden Reiki is Reiki as it was originally taught in Japan. It is pure, simple and extremely effective & has over 65 years of experience behind it.


Why Jikiden Reiki?


Jikiden means ‘directly transmitted’. The seminars replicate the style and content of those held in the 1930s by Chujiro Hayashi, a student of the founder of Reiki, Mikao Usui. This knowledge was passed down unaltered by Chiyoko Yamaguchi, who attended his seminars when she was 17 years old.


From then on she practiced Reiki every day of her life. She successfully used it for commonplace ailments and first aid as well as serious conditions, and raised her 4 children with Reiki only.


Chiyoko passed away in 2003. Her son Tadao, and teachers trained by him, are now making this knowledge and experience available to people all over the world.

Shoden Level

At the first level of Jikiden Reiki you will receive 3 Reiju (attunements) and learn how to use Reiki to treat any physical condition, disease or injury.


The content of the 2 day workshop includes:

  • What Reiki is and how it works in conjunction with the body’s natural healing systems.

  • How to give Reiki treatments in professional and domestic situations.

  • The history of Reiki  and the meaning and background to the Japanese characters, terms and 1 symbol.

  • Meaning and history of the Gokai (5 principles)

  • receive 3 Reiju (attunements)

  • How to detect and treat areas with high concentrations of toxins (the concept of Byosen).

  • First aid techniques using koki, gyoshi & bushu.

  • The Blood Rejuvenation Technique (Ketsueki Kokan).

  • Exercises to practice and develop your sensitivity (Hatsurei Ho).

  • Practice giving treatments.

Next Shoden Course 2025
Sat/Sun 15/16th February  Hartlepool.
Sat/Sun 8/9th March Hartlepool
***Other courses arranged for 2 or more people

The content of the 1 day workshop includes:

  • Gain a deeper understanding of Reiki

  • Receive 2 further Reiju

  • Learn to carry out a specific psychological Reiki treatment for fears, phobias, stress, depression etc.

  • Learn to give a distant Reiki treatment to anyone anywhere in the world

Reiki Durham

Please scroll down for course fees.

Next Okuden Courses
Regular courses
Arranged on request.
Message to register your interest. Thank you

Jikiden Reiki for Natural Healing

The Jikiden Reiki Institute in Japan has established fixed fees for each country. Fees may vary between countries based on local economy. The intention is that people in more affluent countries pay the equivalent of the price in Japan, whilst people in developing countries pay a lower price in accordance with their economy.


Each Jikiden Reiki teacher has fulfilled the requirements and has gained the experience necessary to teach. Therefore no one teacher is seen as better than another and Jikiden teachers will charge the amount specified for the country they are teaching in. The fees reflect the quality and quantity of information in the courses, the knowledge and experience of the teachers and the value of Jikiden Reiki.


Most students take Shoden and Okuden as a 3 day course. All prices include: teaching, Reiju (attunements), treatment textbooks, handouts, registration with the Institute , an English certificate and a wonderful hand-written Japanese certificate.

Courses held in various venues in the North-East of England throughout the year. 


Other course dates can be arranged for 3 or more people. If you would like me to teach a course in your area please get in touch.

Once you have completed the training once, you can repeat the course as often as you like at a discounted rate (see above). It is not a requirement to repeat the training unless you would like to become a teacher of Jikiden Reiki. Repeating is however part of the Japanese tradition of studying Reiki, and we recommend it for the opportunity  to receive more Reiju and to return to the theory and consolidate your understanding of Reiki once you have gained some experience.








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